Chiropractic Care
Life Force Chiropractic specializes in the health, healing and wellbeing of your life expression
What is holding you back from expressing your fullest potential?
Physical Stress
From aches, pains, injuries, poor posture and stored tension, Life Force Chiropractic addresses it all from your head to your toes.
Mental Stress
From feelings of anxiousness, overwhelm, stress and worry, Life Force Chiropractic helps restore peace, calm, clarity and ease.
Emotional Stress
Dissolve and heal past emotional impressions that have been left unsettled and activated within. Life Force Chiropractic guides your integration process for your growth expansion and personal evolution.

What is the adjustment?
The adjustment at Life Force Chiropractic has been created to calm, heal, and restore balance to your being. During your adjustment process, you may experience your breath deepened and/or move into crevices it hasn’t been able to access. You may experience a gentle expansion or softening within areas that were constricted or you didn’t even know were tight. You may experience movement that lengthens and opens spaces of restriction. You may not even know how to describe exactly what you’re experiencing other than a full presence of calm and total connectedness within your being.
What To Expect During Your First Session.
Through your first visit, the time will be spent understanding what you have experienced in life that contributes to how you feel today. Through our initial conversation, we will explore the stressors in your life from physical pains to your mental and emotional stresses. The intention is to understand how you feel in your body, your mind and within your life.
After we explore your history, we will take “inventory” of the way your body is holding itself together within posture and basic ranges of spinal movement to build a map of how your stressors are presenting within your physical body.
A great deal of the initial visit will be the adjustment. The adjustment is a process of connecting the mind and body together into areas that have become disconnected. This reconnection is reflected in changes of tone, tension and architectural arrangement of the body. Within the adjustment process you may experience different gradients of touch from very light and superficial to a touch that has more pressure and depth, to a touch that feels more energetic and richly connecting.
At the end of your initial visit, attention will be given to next steps that will further facilitate the work we’ve done in session to elevate your healing.