Feel More!

Touchpoint 5: FEEL MORE!

Whether part of your initial inspiration for consulting Life Force Chiropractic was related to physical, mental and/or emotional discomfort, or simply a curiosity to connect more deeply within your body, the adjustments you’ve had thus far may have now started to offer a change of state in your body. 

Within the adjustment, there is an opportunity to experience a settling into the surface layers of mind-body busyness. By allowing a gentle listening and leaning into the sensation that is stored as tension to softly arise and fully express, a sweet release can then unfold. 

The important takeaway here is that each feeling (sensation) that has a charge (physical or emotional) is a gateway into creating an opportunity for listening more deeply to the needs your body is communicating for its highest expression of living. 

Each feeling that is loaded, can invite a curiosity, contemplation, exploration of what may be going on and how to best create a shift to discover a truer state of ease. Lean into the feeling. Follow it through to its end point. Suppressing any feeling (emotionally or with an outside substance, pharmaceutical or other) only creates a block for the feeling to express and ultimately only creates more momentum for a louder shout.

Allow your sensory experience to inform you of what might serve you best at your deepest level of sustenance. 

May your body and mind be sensitive enough to fully feel, to ultimately fully express its truest vibrance and radiant health.

May Your Life Be Radiant,

Dr. Alandi, DC, Reiki Master


Find The Spaciousness Within…


Your Body Is Alive!