Tone, Frequency, Vibration and Your Body.


What is the language of the design of the universe (which your very body is a part of)? 

Tone, frequency, vibration (aka energy).

The vibration within the field (the matrix web of space) influences the vibration of the particles that are within it, and vice versa. The vibration within the field can be conceptualized macroscopically to microscopically, from different orders of reality, flowing information back and forth in an elegant continuum. 

Within the body, we can conceptualize the vibration moving within the field taking expression through the tissues, structures, physiology and psychology of the whole. When the vibration (tone) is out of harmony, the body expresses dis-ease, such as anxiety, headaches, insomnia, irritation, stiffness, rigidity and beyond. When the vibration (tone) is in harmony, the body expresses ease, such as love, creativity, joy, fluidity, flexibility, symmetry and beyond.  

Click here to watch how vibration influences the shape (expression) of form (structure). 

Dr. Alandi Stec, DC, Reiki Master


Our Bodies Are An Expression of Tone


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