Your Nervous System & Environmental Signals


"Here is the amazing thing: the caterpillar and the butterfly have the exact same DNA. They are the same organism but are receiving and responding to a different organizing signal."

-Bruce Lipton, PhD

So, how does the body respond to different organizing signals? 

Through the nervous system, of course! 

Your nervous system is constantly surveilling its environment, whether that be internal or external to the body. The adaptations your body makes to adjust itself to how you are and where you are happens before you even have a conscious thought about it. 

Let's take a moment to get to know this magnificent system that coordinates every cell, tissue, organ, gland in your body...including your immune system!

Watch this brief Kahn Academy video to become acquainted with this divine system that bridges body and mind!

Dr. Alandi Stec, DC, Reiki Master


Your Body Is Alive


Your Nervous System Provides You The Sense Of Your Life