Chiropractic Can Be A Gem Of An Asset For Trauma


Trauma and the aftermath, may present as some of the following physical, mental or emotional symptoms: 

-lack of focus: survival brain makes it hard to concentrate; you might have trouble finishing one activity in a focused manner or in the way you “usually” can.

-poor memory: you may have a hard time remembering names, words, or appointments.

-fatigue: you may feel more mentally fatigued and easily drained.  

-emotionally reactive: you may find yourself crying more easily, overacting emotionally with anger or aggression, or feeling unusually grumpy, depressed or snippy when your survival brain is running the show.

-more impulsive: you might spend excessively, eat more, or engage in activities you might not normally.

-withdrawn or isolated from others: you may stop doing activities that bring you joy or struggle to engage with others in conversation.

-zoning out: survival brain can look like losing focus, zoning out or feeling like you are in a different world.

-jumpy: you may feel more reactive and be on edge. 

-changes in your personal care routine: it might feel more challenging to maintain your basic needs, like remembering to exercise or wash your face.

-physical symptoms: survival brain can trigger shortness of breath, trembling, a pounding heart, dizziness, or numbness.

If you think you may be struggling to move through the impacts of chronic trauma, know that chiropractic care can be a gem of an asset in your healing journey.

Chiropractic care calms that relationships between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems, restoring communication between your brain and your body.

If your brain is overwhelmed with stressors, it’s not going to communicate with your body as well as it’s suppose to.

The chiropractic adjustment restores your nervous system in better handling whatever stress you do have..better…so that you an function as the best version of YOU. 

With Radiant Love,


Yoga Nidra: Interfacing The Continuum Of Your Consciousness


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