Life Force Chiropractic Logo: A Look Within!
As an art history major and student of the visual arts, I have been fascinated and intrigued by the information our body-mind retrieves from visual perception.
After all, taking something in visually is part of the first order of reality which is that of direct experience; the root essence of any experience is through sensation (sight being one of the senses).
Words are tools the mind uses as a construction to express through communication that which we have experienced.
When we look at something, we are receiving an experience of that thing. When this “thing” is an image, it inherently becomes an expression of an idea from an experience.
So what is being expressed through the logo of Life Force Chiropractic?
Within the logo you can see the lines of a lotus flower. The lotus flower is an iconic symbol in eastern philosophy for the beauty that emerges out of the muck within the mud.
You can also see there are three nodal spheres arising out of the midline of the lotus flower. These nodal spheres symbolize the three bhindus which are part of the energetic anatomy of the central channel, our source midline point that contains nodal points that hold different energetic qualities related to aspects of our being.
Lastly, you can see there are dashed lines connecting a circular completion of the whole. These lines are dashed to reflect the subtle lines of connection that hold form together, while simultaneously connecting the whole of the greater pattern.
With Radiant Love,