Your nervous system helps in your body’s response to stress.
Stress is your body's reaction to pressure from a certain situation or event. Stress is rooted in three avenues:
Emotional/Mental: pressure from work, financial strain, a fight with a loved one or a disagreement with someone on your team, loss of a loved name a few.
Physical: working at a desk, driving a car, sitting at a computer, playing sports, an injury...and then some!
Chemical: everything from what you eat and what you put in and on your body -a lot of which has toxins and pollutants (food, beauty products, cleaning products, and our environment overall).
So many day-to-day occurrences cause stress, and all of these stressors add up. As the stress compounds, the body gets locked into survival mode, which is a stressed state. It can become a vicious cycle.
Chiropractic adjustments can interrupt this stress cycle through rebalancing the tension in the nervous system. As a result: energy increases, mood improves, sleep deepens, stress goes down, anxiety decreases…and you begin to feel clear, connected, and centered.
Nourish your body, nourish your mind, get adjusted. Book your appointment here.
With Radiant Love,