How Might Your Reiki Remote Healing Session Feel?



Receiving Reiki is unique for each individual who participates in a session, and unique for each session had. 

Reiki can feel warm, magnetic, energetic, and/or deeply rejuvenating and relaxing. You may feel different areas on or around your body being hot, tingling or somehow activated. Some people described a floating sensation and some see colors, shapes or memories during the session. 

Some people even fall asleep as their mind quiets and their body’s receptive capacity turns on.

Some people feel an emotional release. 

There is no expected experience for a Reiki Healing Session. Rather, the act of intention with entering the healing space allows for whatever process that is needing to unfold, to come into expression, to have the space and time to do so for the deepest possible good of the individual receiving the care. 

What are some results of Reiki?

The most common results of Reiki treatment include but are not limited to: perceived reduction in stress, increased relaxation, increased sense of calm, enhanced sense of balance, enhanced centeredness. 

What might your Reiki Remote Healing Session bring for you? Curious to find out? I invite you to book your Reiki Remote Healing Session today.

May Your Life Be Radiant,

Dr. Alandi, DC, Reiki Master


Reiki Remote Healing Sessions At Life Force Chiropractic