Reiki Remote Healing Sessions At Life Force Chiropractic




Everything and everyone is filled with universal life force energy. 

Everything is composed of energy that has a frequency, a vibration, a tone, a wave dynamic that ultimately is the underlying current that orchestrates the outer form.

Often we think of the physical body as solid mass when in fact, it’s anything but solid at all. The body is predominantly empty space, 99.9999999% empty space. Often we think of the body as constantly in one solid form, when in fact, the form that creates the shape called you, is predominantly composed of completely new material compared to one year prior. Approximately 98% of the atoms that are in you today were not the same as one year ago.
The body is fluidity in form, a continuous rhythmic flow of energetic exchanges. 

During a Reiki Remote Healing Session, the energetic blueprint of your body receives an attunement (a tuning of the frequencies running within your body) through intentional directive energetic healing from practitioner to receiver. 

In short, Reiki could be described as the gentle, loving practice of holistic healing through universal life force energy and the intention could best be described as a way to aid the Reiki receiver to become a more balanced being, encouraging emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual healing. 

Curious how your Reiki Remote Healing Session will feel for you? I invite you to schedule your session on my booking page.

May Your Life Be Radiant,

Dr. Alandi, DC, Reiki Master


Introduction To Reiki


How Might Your Reiki Remote Healing Session Feel?