Balance: Contemplation On Stress

Oftentimes when we consider what it might mean to be “in balance”, we naturally consider the stress we’re experiencing within our life and whether the stress we’re experiencing is to the appropriate degree of challenge.

Within the body, one avenue stress is expressed  is through the hormonal (endocrine) system. Within the endocrine system, cortisol is the primary stress hormone that's activated as a natural response to intense (stressful) situations. 

Get to know your body’s stress response here, with this video!

Get to know more about your endocrine system here, with this video!

An increase in cortisol can be a constructive asset for the body, creating alertness, attentiveness and the focus to help the body perform under pressure. However, when the stress signal has been raised for too long, there can be a negative impact within the body. 

Thus, teaching the body how to expand its modulation of stress is critical for wellbeing and expression of health.

A great way to assist the body through stress modulation is through regular chiropractic care and daily meditation practicescheck out my week-long meditation course here.


Yoga Nidra at NorthPoint Chiropractic


What Does It Mean To Be In Balance?