2024 New Year Wellness Course: Attuning Into You

The cyclical nature of time offers us the opportunity to revisit who we are in the context of the new now.

When we land back into a distinguished landmark of time, such as the end of the year, a portal of reflection emerges.
This portal has the potential to illuminate the journey life moved through us in the moments that passed from the previously distinguished time landmark.

Reflecting on Time's Landmarks:
A Path to Mental Health

In revisiting the time landmark, we can receive notes of what has changed, expanded, unfolded, opened, closed, or not shifted at all

In revisiting the time landmark, we can see what was dissolved, created, or sustained throughout that time, helping us set resolutions that resonate with our inner selves.

In revisiting the time landmark, we can see what trajectory we’ve set ourselves in direction for, where we’ve come from, and how we’re moving forward.
We can see what’s been a constructive energy pattern in our life and what has not.

In revisiting the time landmark, we can determine what actions, activities and patterns have contributed to the sum total of our life defined within that time. We can also have an honest pause to receive the celebration of accomplishments and receive the vision of the next becoming.

Setting a Course for the New Year

The closing of the year and the birth of the new one to come is an incredible moment to enrich the awareness that lives within each of us. This reflection helps us understand our trajectory, discerning energy patterns that are beneficial and those that need to be let go.

It's a fresh start, paving the way for a healthy new year of success and personal growth. 

The awareness that dwells deep within is nourished through the discovery, reflection, and expansion of the intimacy of its own individual nature, which inspired the creation of the course Attuning Into You: An Exploration Of Your In-Bodiment.


Aligning Your New Year's Resolutions
with Inner Growth

Through a series of videos, conversations, guided meditations and guided support, this course has been designed to allow you to reconnect to the Self, to the deepest, most subtle aspects of your awareness, so that you can move through life with greater alignment to your true nature of who you are.

Because, after all, the more we can expand our awareness into the whole of our experience, the more alive we feel, the more embodied we become, the more authentically we can connect with others, and the more frequently we notice the subtle signs that life gives us.

Begin a Year of Self-Discovery
with 'Attuning Into You'

I truly invite each of you to experience the richness this course invokes within the depths of who you are, starting January 15, 2024.

This online course, designed for accessibility and flexibility, allows you to progress at your own pace.

To learn more about this transformative experience and to begin your journey, you're welcome to explore the Attuning Into You course details.

With Radiant Love,

Dr. Alandi Stec


What Others Have Shared

“I loved learning about the power of energy and the greatness of being open to that energy for myself so that I can find that joyfulness in my life and be able to flow it out to others. You have been so helpful as I search for purpose and meaning in this crazy busy world we live in. Before I met you, I didn’t know how good it would feel to just be me. It is OK to just be. Daily practice does not always make perfect but perfect is not the goal 😊 Thanks for putting a pep back in my step!”

“This was a great course about exploring your inner self and the remarkable energy that surrounds and fills us!”

“A different approach to self-reflection and thought process going forward. Very calming and well-informed.”

“The self-reflection on what matters was key to me and all that is! So many aha moments that I needed to go back and review as it was a busy time for me to absorb it all but still worth it. Having the awareness to listen to those gentle and not-so-gentle reminders, to be gentle with myself, and breathing in the wonder of life's beauty. We say stop and smell the roses but don't know truly how to allow ourselves to really take it all in to our space and feel the joy. It's a daily practice.”

“I find myself reflecting most on the 'how are you?' Day and frequently asking myself really "how am I?”

“This class helped me get grounded. each time I get a better perspective of being. My meditations improve to a deeper level.”


Attuning Into You: Navigating Your In-Bodiment Course Journey


Yoga Nidra: Basic Questions